Bulb Studios Win 2022 Clutch.co Award for UK’s Leading UX Design Agency

Clutch have named us one of the UK's leading UX design agencies.

February 7, 2022

Discovery workshop with participant sketching app screens

We’re proud to announce that we’ve been named by Clutch as one of the UK’s top UX Agencies. Here at Bulb, we care a lot about our work, our clients and those who use the products we create. We see user experience as one of the key pillars to great design and great digital products.

Project manager Katy, Digital Designer Kirti and Developer Mike sat in Bulb Studios lounge discussing upcoming project

Our designers and the rest of the team thank Clutch for the recognition. Clutch.co is an independent B2B review and market research platform designed to showcase credible service providers from all over the world. Millions of browsers look through countless reviews and curated leading company directory on Clutch.co.

Finally, we also thank our clients, whose testimonials help us achieve our rating, and ultimately our winning status. Without the clients we have, Bulb would be nothing, and we’d all enjoy our work a lot less! We look forward to creating and launching more innovative products in 2022.