Bulb Insider Stories with Lead UX Designer Sanjay

For this Bulb Insider story, we had a chat with our resident Lead UX designer Sanjay to ask how he got into the industry.

April 23, 2018

Sanjay sat at his desk looking at his monitor
How did you end up working for Bulb?

I was looking for a new challenge from my previous role and discovered that Bulb were looking for a UX designer. I heard about the exciting projects they had with the likes of Sony Playstation and Domino’s Pizza. So I researched into the role further to see whether it was a fit for me.

Tell us about your work experience before joining Bulb?

Previously, I was interning for about one year in London at various design studios. I landed my first real job crafting interfaces for the dental industry at Carestream Dental. This was a fantastic opportunity to truly refine my skills and start my journey as a UX designer. Working client side allowed me to fully embrace the processes and procedures within such a large organisation. I was able to apply this skill into a creative agency while being at Bulb.

What were the key factors that made you choose to work at Bulb?

The diverse mixture of projects – each day is totally different as I could be working on a website project one day and then a mobile app the next day. With Bulb being a creative agency, our clients will also vary, their requirements will be unique for each project, and the scope and timelines will range from one week to one month.

Tell us what your day-to-day responsibilities look like?

My typical day will usually start of with a strong cup of coffee and loads of emails. After 3 cups, I’m ready tackle anything! But seriously, I work closely with the design team and project management team in overseeing all projects that require UX design input. Some projects may require my input to provide a workflow analysis of a mobile app, similar to what we provided for the Healthia mobile app. Other projects may require a robust set of wireframes to help build innovative desktop applications like we did for Intercede. In between these tasks I also work closely with my design team to help streamline our processes and find ways of becoming more efficient in delivering our projects.

What are you doing to make sure you are keeping up to date with current industry standards and trends?

We regularly share great websites, app ideas and design inspirations via a shared Slack channel. Furthermore, we regularly host internal show & tell sessions to share these back to the development and management teams.

Is there a project your most proud of?

Teaming up with the design team to start our side venture, Create Leicester. This exciting project has seen us host a series of quarterly digital design events here in the heart of Leicester. We have had amazing backing by local businesses to help fund this and we are growing a large and vibrant audience. Myself and the team have recruited a rich tapestry of world-renowned speakers which has seen Bulb become one of the leaders in digital design in Leicester.

What do you love most about working at Bulb?

The people – from day one, the people at Bulb are great. We all have a shared passion to deliver high quality work and deliver the best service possible. There is a perfect work/life balance here allowing you to fully enjoy the work you are doing while allowing you to freely continue with other personal commitments.

What advice would you give to any aspiring designer or someone wanting to work for Bulb?

Take the risk and try new things. From my personal experience, I would not have ended up here if I didn’t take the risk. Even when organising a huge venture like Create Leicester, we had to take the risk of starting from scratch and building an audience. As a true UX’er; you won’t know if it will work unless you test it.